
Showing posts from August 18, 2019

अमिताभ बने बावर्ची

फिल्म अभिनेता अमिताभ बच्चन का आज का चर्चित ट्वीट "अलग अलग पकवान , अलग अलग बावर्ची किसी ने ना तो खाया, ना ही अमानत खर्ची  ~ अब"

Modi's Thanks to Bhutan

Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi's Thanks to Bhutan for warm welcome. Modi said on tweet that It was a memorable visit. The affection I have received from the people of this wonderful nation can never be forgotten. There were many programmes which I had the honour of taking part in. The outcomes of the visit will enhance bilateral ties.