
Showing posts from May 12, 2020

New Delhi :IFWJ Demands for Immediate withdrawal of Increased Working Hours

Indian Federation of Working Journalists (IFWJ) has demanded the immediate withdrawal of the provision for 72 hours work per week from the ordinance issued by six state governments as it is not only anti-labour but also against all forms of human values. It may be noted here that under the existing laws a worker is mandated to work only 48 hours in a week, but in the case of journalists it is only 36 hours a week as per the Working Journalists Act. In a statement the IFWJ President BV Mallikarjunaih, Vice Presidents Hemant Tiwari, KM Jha, Keshab Kalita and Vibhuti Bhushan Kar, Secretaries Sidharth Kalhans, Gitika Talukdar, K Asudhulla and Treasurer Rinku Yadav have expressed shock over the dilution of labour laws particularly with regard to the increase in working hours by the state governments of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odissa, Goa and Gujrat in the name of meeting the challenges arisen due to calamity of Covid-19. The IFWJ wonders as to how t