
Showing posts from September 23, 2019

Nehru and indira Gandhi's US visit in 1954

Shashi Throor Tweeted Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru & Indira Gandhi in the US in 1954. Look at the hugely enthusiastic spontaneous turnout of the American public, without any special PR campaign, NRI crowd management or hyped-up media publicity.

Piyus Goyal meet to Swami BrahmaViharidas

Indian Railway Minister Piyush Goyal  meet to Swami Brahmaviharidas ji from BAPS Hindu Mandir in UAE.

मोदी मिले कतर के अमीर हमाद से

न्यूयॉर्क में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कतर के अमीर तमीम बिन हमाद  से मुलाकात की।