
Showing posts from November 14, 2021

PEC Demands unconditional release of American journalist Danny fenster

 PEC demands unconditional release of American journalist Danny Fenster Geneva: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the global media safety and rights body, expressed its dismay over the 11-year imprisonment of American journalist Danny Fenster by the military junta of Myanmar (also known as Burma and Brahmadesh) and demanded his immediate and unconditional release by the military dictators in Naypietaw. Mentionable is that the US journalist was arrested on  24 May 2021 from Yangon (Rangoon) International Airport as he was preparing to leave Myanmar for visiting his family in Detroit, Michigan. Since then, Danny (around 40 years old) has been imprisoned in Insein jail of Yangon, the former capital of Myanmar, as the scribe was repeatedly denied bail. Lately, the military court inside the infamous prison, which otherwise enjoys little liberty in the military ruled south-east Asian nation, pronounced the verdict on 12 November to imprison Danny for 11 years against various charges of visa breac