
Showing posts from October 11, 2021

PPFA demands punishment to J&K murderers of Teachers

 PPFA demands punishment to J&K murders of teachers  Guwahati: Expressing dismay over the incident of killing two teachers in Jammu & Kashmir, a northeast India-based forum of nationalist citizens demands stringent punishments to the culprits. Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) laments that the shooting down of the non-Muslim teachers after separating them from the other staff is nothing but a rerun of Kashmiri Pandits’ tragedy in  1990. Local media reports that four Islamist terrorists entered into the premises of Srinagar boy’s higher secondary school at Sangam Eidgah locality on Thursday morning hours. They singled out the principal Satinder Kour and teacher Deepak Chand after compelling them to show their identity cards to finally shoot them down together and then left the premises. There are reports that the anti-national elements were identifying the people who joined the  Independence Day celebrations after abrogation of Article 370 from J&K redefining it an Union

PEC insists on fair trail to convicted Cambodian journalist youn Chhiv

 PEC insists on fair trial to convicted Cambodian journalist Youn Chhiv Guwahati: Press Emblem Campaign (PEC), the Geneva- based global media rights body expressed serious concern over the imprisonment of a Cambodian journalist without the fair trial and urged the government led by Prime minister Hun Sen to help Youn Chhiv defending his position in the legal courses of action. It may be mentioned that journalist and owner of Khmer language site Koh Kong Hot News was convicted by the Koh Kong provincial court of Cambodia on 30 September 2021 of incitement under various legal clauses and within 72 hours of his detention, the prominent  journalist was sentenced to one year of  imprisonment along with a cash fine under the criminal laws of the southeast Asian nation. Allegations were framed against the scribe that he put false information about a land grabbing matter involving an individual in the high government position. A huge volume of land, under the possession of rural farmers, were

How to get Bharat Ratna India Sachin Tendulkar

 भारत रत्न कैसा हो ? के. विक्रम राव        सचिन तेन्दुलकर के बारे में यह है। भारत रत्न हैं। सांसद भी मनोनीत हो गये थे। गत सप्ताह दैनिक ''इंडियन एक्सप्रेस'' द्वारा प्रकाशित ''यशस्वी'' भारतीयों की सूची में दमक उठे। इन सबका कीर्तिमान रहा कि उन्होंने अरबों रुपये विदेशों में निवेशित किया। टैक्स भुगतान में करोड़ों की वंचना की। गरीब देश के अमीर नागरिक हैं सचिन। भला हो खोजी पत्रकारों के वैश्विक संगठन का कि ऐसी भयावह खबर साया हुयी। चूंकि सहनशीलता की परिपाटी इस प्राचीन देश की परम्परा रही अत: प्रतिरोध का स्वर अभी तक दमित ही रहा।          प्रथम दृष्टया इन प्रतिष्ठित कर—वंचक महारथियों का अपराध केवल आर्थिक ही प्रतीत होता है। वस्तुत: राष्ट्रद्रोह और जनद्रोही है। मगर अबतक रोष का तिनका भी नहीं हिला। जिस देश में लाखों घर में चूल्हा केवल एक बार जलता हो वहां की प्रजा को उग्र होना चाहिये था। जैसे सदियों पूर्व पेरिस की जनता थी। तब अंतिम महारानी मारियो एन्तोनेत्तो (16 अक्टूबर 1793) थीं। उन्होंने भूखी विद्रोही प्रजा के आक्रोश का कारण पूछा। दरबारियों ने बताया कि डबल रोटी नहीं मि