
Showing posts from June, 2011
1. Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered but only one boy came with an umbrella… This is Faith 2. When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her… This is Trust 3. Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarms in our watch to wake up… This is Hope 4. We plan big things for tomorrow in spite of zero knowledge of the future or having any certainty of uncertainties… This is Confidence 5. We see the world suffering. We know there is every possibility of same or similar things happening to us. But still we get married… This is Overconfidence!!
शायद ज़िन्दगी बदल रही है !! जब मैं छोटा था, शायद दुनिया बहुत बड़ी हुआ करती थी.. मुझे याद है मेरे घर से "स्कूल" तक का वो रास्ता, क्या क्या नहीं था वहां, चाट के ठेले, जलेबी की दुकान, बर्फ के गोले, सब कुछ, अब वहां "मोबाइल शॉप", "विडियो पार्लर" हैं, फिर भी सब सूना है.. शायद अब दुनिया सिमट रही है... . . जब मैं छोटा था, शायद शामें बहुत लम्बी हुआ करती थीं... मैं हाथ में पतंग की डोर पकड़े, घंटों उड़ा करता था, वो लम्बी "साइकिल रेस", वो बचपन के खेल, वो हर शाम थक के चूर हो जाना, अब शाम नहीं होती, दिन ढलता है और सीधे रात हो जाती है. शायद वक्त सिमट रहा है.. . . जब मैं छोटा था, शायद दोस्ती बहुत गहरी हुआ करती थी, दिनभर वो हुजूम बनाकर खेलना, वो दोस्तों के घर का खाना, वो साथ रोना... अब भी मेरे कई दोस्त हैं, पर दोस्ती जाने कहाँ है, जब भी "traffic signal" पे मिलते हैं "Hi" हो जाती है, और अपने अपने रास्ते चल देते हैं, होली, दीवाली, जन्मदिन, नए साल पर बस SMS आ जाते हैं, शायद अब रिश्ते बदल रहें हैं.. . . जब
STORY A farmer owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule praying or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together, told them what had happened, and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery. Initially the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back, HE WOULD SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP! This he did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up!” He repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought panic and
आखिर मजीठिया वेज बोर्ड का विरोध क्यों !  पिछले कुछ दिनों से आईएनएस ने पत्रकार और गैर पत्रकारों के लिए गठित छठे वेतन आयोग जीआर मजीठिया की रिपोर्ट के खिलाफ एक अभियान चलाया हुआ है। इस अभियान की अगुवाई टाइम्स आफ इंडिया आदि कुछ बड़े समाचार पत्रों द्वारा की जा रही है। उसमें जहां पु्राने समाचारों को स्थान दिया जा रहा है, वहीं मुहिम के जरिए यह साबित करने की कोशिश की जा रही है कि यदि यह रिपोर्ट लागू की गई तो देश के अधिकांश समाचार पत्र बंद होने के कगार पर आ जाएंगे। उसमें तथ्य यह प्रस्तुत किए जा रहे हैं कि इस रिपोर्ट के लागू होने पर एक हजार करोड़ टर्नओवर वाले समाचार पत्रों के चपरासी और ड्राइवर का वेतन भी 45-50 हजार रुपये हो जाएगा, जो सीमा पर जवान और एक मजिस्ट्रेट के वेतन से भी अधिक है। यहां सवाल यह है कि टाइम्स आफ इंडिया या आईएनएस को यह भी स्पष्ट करना चाहिए कि देश में एक हजार करोड़ रुपये टर्नआवर वाले कितने समाचार पत्र हैं और उनमें कितने चपरासी और ड्राइवर नियमित कर्मचारी हैं, जो इनके दावे के अनुसार बढ़ा वेतन पाने के हकदार होंगे। भ्रमित करने के लिए अपने अभियान मे आईएनएस भले ही कुछ दावे करे, लेकिन
What a great job from govt. of indiaspan 1) Qus.: What are you doing? Ans.: Business. Tax : PAY PROFESSIONAL TAX 2) Qus.: What are you doing in Business? Ans.: Selling the Goods. Tax : PAY SALES TAX 3) Qus.: From where are you getting Goods? Ans.: From other State/Abroad Tax : PAY CENTRAL SALES TAX, CUSTOM DUTY & OCTROI 4) Qus.: What are you getting in Selling Goods? Ans.: Profit. Tax : PAY INCOME TAX 5) Qus.: How do you distribute profit ? Ans : By way of dividend Tax : PAY DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION TAX 6) Qus.: Where are you Manufacturing the Goods? Ans.: Factory. Tax : PAY EXCISE DUTY 8) Qus.: Do you have Staff? Ans.: Yes Tax: PAY STAFF PROFESSIONAL TAX 9) Qus.: Doing business in Millions? Ans.: Yes Tax : PAY TURNOVER TAX ? Ans : No Tax : Then pay Minimum Alternate Tax 10) Qus.: Are you taking out over 25,000 Cash from Bank? Ans.: Yes, for Salary. Tax : PAY CASH HANDLING TAX 11) Qus.: Where are you taking your client for Lunch & Dinner? Ans.: Hote
A SIMPLE STORY In ancient times, a king had a big rock placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it….. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand. MORAL OF THE STORY: Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one
A SIMPLE STORY Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle's nest rested. The eagle's nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, to a chicken farm, located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle's egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture and raise the large egg. One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds." The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chic