Keep this Railway Complaint Number in your Mobile  
(This mail send by my friend )
Incident 1
It happened few months back.  We were travelling and I and my family were waiting in the A/C waiting room at Secunderabad Station. The attached bathroom was not clean and was giving  bad smell. Added to this discomfiture, the bathroom door was not closing tight , and I also observed  that shutter was not closing tight because of faulty door closer. I complained to the attendant . 
I also sent an SMS " The bathroom of A/C  waiting room on platform No 1 of Secunderbad Station is dirty and stinking. Pl arrange cleaning . Also the the door is not closing  properly". After few minutes we left the waiting room as our train arrival was announced. Within few minutes I received text reply from Railways,   giving an Id No and that action will be taken . After few hours I received a message that  the bathroom has been cleaned . After ten days I received another message that the faulty door has been repaired and thanking me. 
Incident 2 
Recently on 24 th October I and my wife were travelling by Hyderabd Ajmer Express on our Rajasthan trip. Next day morning , I noticed there was no water in the bathroom and the taps are all dry, where as our journey will continue and we will be reaching our destination ( Bhilwara near Ajmer)  after another 18 hours. I was worried that it is going to be a miserable time to travel without water. Water or No water, people will continue to use the bathrooms and the stink will become unbearable. I complained to the Conductor. I also sent a SMS "Traveling in the A1 compartment of Hyderabad Ajmer express train No 12720. No water in the bathrooms . Pl arrange. Also replace leaking valves else  problem repeats." Pat came the reply" Your reference id is 1110250019. For status visit or SMS as STATUS TO 8121281212 . Thanks for registering complaint "  . After about 20 minutes I  received message that water will be filled at the  nearest Railway station having water filling facility. At Itarsi station water was filled and we had no problem . After about a week I received another message that the faulty valves have been replaced . It was amazing.
I am thankful to the Railway authorities for introducing a system where one can complain from a running train and doubly grateful that they have acknowledged the complaint and  attended.
I collected this help line number from the Railway waiting room !
Many times while travelling by train  we are put to unexpected inconvenience , we react by cursing and criticizing. No other response. Of course once we reach our destination we just forget.
There is no use in cursing the darkness around you, do light a candle however small it be, it gives an inspiration and ten more candles will be lit . The process continues reducing the darkness.
The Railway  Number to which you can SMS is   8121281212 . Please pass on this message to your friends and it may help some one in need including you .((


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